Monday, December 26, 2011
If you want to compete with big company websites, you had better optimize your website for location. Read more...
PR Ranking is not always the way to go to choose good links for your website. Read more...
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Monday, October 31, 2011
If you want good organic search results, better make sure your content is relevant. Read more
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Still don't think people are getting the importance of good links, see if this makes sense
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Monday, October 3, 2011
Monday, September 26, 2011
Monday, September 19, 2011
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Saturday, September 10, 2011
Location marketing for your local business is hot in today's market. Learn more at
Sunday, September 4, 2011
SEO Firms Choose Good Domain Names
SEO firms choose good domain names. It is absolutely the most important step in setting up good search engine optimization for your website. Search engine marketing services that take you any other way should be avoided
How Do SEO Firms Choose Good Domain Names?
Unless you are planning on spending millions of dollars to launch your website, you need to find a keyword niche for your website. That keyword should be part of the domain name. I still like have a .com for my websites, though others will do well in rankings.
So, how do we get a niche keyword? SEO firms have been using different formulas for years, but I have found that this one works well. To get a keyword niche, find a keyword phrase that matching the mission of your website, has a fair number of people searching for the phrase every month, but does not have too much competition.
SEO firms like mine often use this kind of formula: we like to find a keyword niche that gets no more then 8000 global search a month, and has very little competition. We use the Google Ad Word Keyword Analyzer to find this volume. We also make sure that the keyword search gets at least 2000 global searches a month. So, that is your range.
Then, we perform an exact phrase match to find out how many websites are using the phrase. If there are more then 100,000, look for another keyword niche. Also, I like to look at the websites that own the first page of Google. If there is heavy competition there, I would look again. If, though, the page is full of wikipedia or wiki how search results, you do have a chance to compete with those.
Once the keyword niche has been researched, then most SEO Firms will tell you to find another keyword niche or two, and use them as secondary keyword phrases.
Johnny Smoes
SEO Experts Australia .com .au
How Do SEO Firms Choose Good Domain Names?
Unless you are planning on spending millions of dollars to launch your website, you need to find a keyword niche for your website. That keyword should be part of the domain name. I still like have a .com for my websites, though others will do well in rankings.
So, how do we get a niche keyword? SEO firms have been using different formulas for years, but I have found that this one works well. To get a keyword niche, find a keyword phrase that matching the mission of your website, has a fair number of people searching for the phrase every month, but does not have too much competition.
SEO firms like mine often use this kind of formula: we like to find a keyword niche that gets no more then 8000 global search a month, and has very little competition. We use the Google Ad Word Keyword Analyzer to find this volume. We also make sure that the keyword search gets at least 2000 global searches a month. So, that is your range.
Then, we perform an exact phrase match to find out how many websites are using the phrase. If there are more then 100,000, look for another keyword niche. Also, I like to look at the websites that own the first page of Google. If there is heavy competition there, I would look again. If, though, the page is full of wikipedia or wiki how search results, you do have a chance to compete with those.
Once the keyword niche has been researched, then most SEO Firms will tell you to find another keyword niche or two, and use them as secondary keyword phrases.
Johnny Smoes
SEO Experts Australia .com .au
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Learning SEO from your visitors is a quick way to boost your visits. Learn more
Saturday, July 30, 2011
Take a look at this test case on website design and application integration. Read more...
Making Your Website User Friendly & SEO Optimized
SEO Experts talk on some easy tips for making your website user friendly and SEO Optimized Read on...
SEO Experts talk on some easy tips for making your website user friendly and SEO Optimized Read on...
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Saturday, July 9, 2011
An SEO Experts talks about how to use meta tags for robots, descriptions, and more
Saturday, July 2, 2011
Just added our new account to Looking forward to meeting you all, Johnny.
Get the right keywords for your website. had a helpful article on choosing keywords.
Get the Right Keywords for Your Website
The number one thing I have seen in my IT career is that SEO firms choose the right keywords for clients. You should also get the right keywords for your website. Getting a good marriage of keywords involves finding a niche that you can use to market yourself. Here is what I mean.
SEO Firms Can Find a Niche
Choosing the right keywords does not necessarily mean that you should pick the most obvious keywords for the mission of your website. Far too often, very large companies with milliion dollar SEO budgets have already locked down their #1 position on an organic search for that term. Most likely, they also have PPC advertising in the same area. has a Google PR Rating of 6. Digital Dream Door has a good PR of 4. And Info Please has a PR rating of 5. Their Alexa ratings will yield a simmilar picture. You will not be able to compete for this space for years. Your keyword of “rock songs” needs some help. A better choice might be “good rock songs.” This keyword still gets 4400 global search a month, but has almost no competition. This set of keywords could easily yield you a spot on the top 10 search list. As of today, some yahoo answer posts are about all you get. This would give a new person a chance to compete.
Let’s say you sell rock songs for a living. Your stuff. You want to build a website to sell your songs. After some thought, you decide that “rock songs” would be a good keyword for you to use to help people find your website. It’s simple, and to the point. You fill your website with this keyword, in strategic locations (domain name, title of website, header tags, website content, etc.) And still no one comes.
Here is sad truth. Let’s take a look at an exact keyword search for rock songs. (that’s what the paranthesis do for the search). Here are the top 3 companies that appear on the Google search:
I used the Google AdWords Keyword Tool to help me find my term. You might ask, “why would Google provide such a great keyword tool?” That’s easy, it’s a great way for them to expand the search engine market, and potentially provide new ground for PPC ads.
When getting started, I would recommend not to use more then 5 keyword terms for your site. In all reality, it will be hard to track on even 3, but the other keywords add clout over time. When using the Google Keyword tool, use the “exact match” option so you know how many people are searching for your market by that same exact set of words. The rule of thumb for building a new niche market would have you looking for keywords with little competition, that yield 5000 monthly global searches or less. This would be even better is you could get that in your local market (some of you may not be ready to market globally.) Those keywords will have enough search bang to be profitable, but not so many that the competition will blow you out of the water from the gitgo
SEO firms choose the right keywords. You should get the right keywords for your website too. Now, you just need to get busy with the Google Keyword Search tool and do some research.
Cheers, Johnny
SEO Firms Can Find a Niche
Choosing the right keywords does not necessarily mean that you should pick the most obvious keywords for the mission of your website. Far too often, very large companies with milliion dollar SEO budgets have already locked down their #1 position on an organic search for that term. Most likely, they also have PPC advertising in the same area. has a Google PR Rating of 6. Digital Dream Door has a good PR of 4. And Info Please has a PR rating of 5. Their Alexa ratings will yield a simmilar picture. You will not be able to compete for this space for years. Your keyword of “rock songs” needs some help. A better choice might be “good rock songs.” This keyword still gets 4400 global search a month, but has almost no competition. This set of keywords could easily yield you a spot on the top 10 search list. As of today, some yahoo answer posts are about all you get. This would give a new person a chance to compete.
Let’s say you sell rock songs for a living. Your stuff. You want to build a website to sell your songs. After some thought, you decide that “rock songs” would be a good keyword for you to use to help people find your website. It’s simple, and to the point. You fill your website with this keyword, in strategic locations (domain name, title of website, header tags, website content, etc.) And still no one comes.
Here is sad truth. Let’s take a look at an exact keyword search for rock songs. (that’s what the paranthesis do for the search). Here are the top 3 companies that appear on the Google search:
I used the Google AdWords Keyword Tool to help me find my term. You might ask, “why would Google provide such a great keyword tool?” That’s easy, it’s a great way for them to expand the search engine market, and potentially provide new ground for PPC ads.
When getting started, I would recommend not to use more then 5 keyword terms for your site. In all reality, it will be hard to track on even 3, but the other keywords add clout over time. When using the Google Keyword tool, use the “exact match” option so you know how many people are searching for your market by that same exact set of words. The rule of thumb for building a new niche market would have you looking for keywords with little competition, that yield 5000 monthly global searches or less. This would be even better is you could get that in your local market (some of you may not be ready to market globally.) Those keywords will have enough search bang to be profitable, but not so many that the competition will blow you out of the water from the gitgo
SEO firms choose the right keywords. You should get the right keywords for your website too. Now, you just need to get busy with the Google Keyword Search tool and do some research.
Cheers, Johnny
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Dealing with Very Massive Data Moves
Dealing with big data moves is on the mind of almost any company you can think of these days. Even the tiny “mom and pop” internet companies can find themselves have to occasionally get a file over 1 GB in size to some other remote location. (And in all seriousness, 1 GB is small by comparision to what some companies have to move.)
So, what are some of these big files? How about a file that lets you analyze Web clickstreams, call data records, financial trading data, log files, or other forms of machine-generated information. Any time you are into this kind of file storage and moving, you are having to deal with very big files.
There are two new products on the market that have been specifically designed for this purpose. Enter IBM Netezza and Infobright to the big file data movement game.
IBM began making public announcemnts about its new product, IBM Netezza, on Wednesday of this week. It is designed to move files in the petabytes range. It is designed to help people that, for a host of reasons, need to keep archived files that are very large. The new hardware and software system is designed to hold up to 20 500 terabyte racks, for a total of 10 petabytes of user accessable data. It is making use of improved technology to the standard offered TwinFin hard drive sytem. Now the speed is not the absolute best in the world ( a standard query can run 2.5 times faster on the TwinFin system than the new Netzza system), but that is usually not an issue for companies wanting to search large databases for , say, regulatory queries. On the flip side, the newer hard drives use less energy than ever before, so that has an appeal also.
Infobright, though, has come up with a new software application that is designed to meet the needs of smaller companies. It’s new piece of software is designed to simply and effeciently move files of 40 terabytes or less. It will still allow many companies all the data storage they need, without sacrificing a lot of the speed of queries.
So, has you notion of big data files changed any? We’ll talk next time.
Johnny Smoes
So, what are some of these big files? How about a file that lets you analyze Web clickstreams, call data records, financial trading data, log files, or other forms of machine-generated information. Any time you are into this kind of file storage and moving, you are having to deal with very big files.
There are two new products on the market that have been specifically designed for this purpose. Enter IBM Netezza and Infobright to the big file data movement game.
IBM began making public announcemnts about its new product, IBM Netezza, on Wednesday of this week. It is designed to move files in the petabytes range. It is designed to help people that, for a host of reasons, need to keep archived files that are very large. The new hardware and software system is designed to hold up to 20 500 terabyte racks, for a total of 10 petabytes of user accessable data. It is making use of improved technology to the standard offered TwinFin hard drive sytem. Now the speed is not the absolute best in the world ( a standard query can run 2.5 times faster on the TwinFin system than the new Netzza system), but that is usually not an issue for companies wanting to search large databases for , say, regulatory queries. On the flip side, the newer hard drives use less energy than ever before, so that has an appeal also.
Infobright, though, has come up with a new software application that is designed to meet the needs of smaller companies. It’s new piece of software is designed to simply and effeciently move files of 40 terabytes or less. It will still allow many companies all the data storage they need, without sacrificing a lot of the speed of queries.
So, has you notion of big data files changed any? We’ll talk next time.
Johnny Smoes
Using SEO Services
What is all the push behind wanting to rank high in search engine results? On the most basic level, it is to get new visitors to your site. There is much we can do to help that process, but once in a while, I think everyone ends up needing a fine tuning from from some sort of search engine marketing services.
As we mentioned, SEO is a way to help get people to your website. It does so by making use of the process put in place by search engines. They all have free (or organic) search results to show. They all have rules as to how those choices end up on any given SERP.
One of the big factors is website rank. The higher you go, the more traffic comes to you. By analogy, it is like having signs along the freeway telling you how to get from point A to point B. Search engine marketing services develop an SEOtraffic acquisition strategy. They develop testing plans that, at their heart, direct audiences who are interested in any given product, services or ideas to our sites. At the same time, they are developing an acquisition strategy that takes away traffic from our competitors.
We expend time and energy, via a testing plan that I call design, build, and validate, getting a site to rank a few places higher, or for a wider range of keywords. Search engine marketing services will record the results of a marketing campaign, compare it against previous efforts, and then adjust the campaign for improvement. The big deal here is that most business website owners don’t have the time to develop all of this. It’s not vudoo, it proven scientific marketing strategies, combines with a solid knowledge of how search engines work.
A good SEO consuting firm, however, will not just put all the attention getting people to your website, they should also pay attention to what happens after peopless arrive. If visitors arrive, but click-back because a site isn’t what they expected to see, then the effort we’ve put into ranking is wasted. There has to be quality content to keep the visitor looking at more than just a landing page. So, a good SEO Company needs to know a lot about web design also.
If you have not done so, consider using some search engine marketing services for a while, which could also include a pay per click campaign, to help you stand out on the Internet. In addition, let the seo experts help you figure out what needs to happen, once the person gets to your website.
As we mentioned, SEO is a way to help get people to your website. It does so by making use of the process put in place by search engines. They all have free (or organic) search results to show. They all have rules as to how those choices end up on any given SERP.
One of the big factors is website rank. The higher you go, the more traffic comes to you. By analogy, it is like having signs along the freeway telling you how to get from point A to point B. Search engine marketing services develop an SEOtraffic acquisition strategy. They develop testing plans that, at their heart, direct audiences who are interested in any given product, services or ideas to our sites. At the same time, they are developing an acquisition strategy that takes away traffic from our competitors.
We expend time and energy, via a testing plan that I call design, build, and validate, getting a site to rank a few places higher, or for a wider range of keywords. Search engine marketing services will record the results of a marketing campaign, compare it against previous efforts, and then adjust the campaign for improvement. The big deal here is that most business website owners don’t have the time to develop all of this. It’s not vudoo, it proven scientific marketing strategies, combines with a solid knowledge of how search engines work.
A good SEO consuting firm, however, will not just put all the attention getting people to your website, they should also pay attention to what happens after peopless arrive. If visitors arrive, but click-back because a site isn’t what they expected to see, then the effort we’ve put into ranking is wasted. There has to be quality content to keep the visitor looking at more than just a landing page. So, a good SEO Company needs to know a lot about web design also.
If you have not done so, consider using some search engine marketing services for a while, which could also include a pay per click campaign, to help you stand out on the Internet. In addition, let the seo experts help you figure out what needs to happen, once the person gets to your website.
Sunday, June 19, 2011
IE9 Coming to the Mobile Web Market
Well, it looks as though IE 9 is coming to the mobile web market. Microsoft has been feverishly testing their new IE9 combo web browser. Now, they want to add the same new standards, compatability, etc., to their mobile browser.
Microsoft has set up a Microsoft IE 9 demo site for all to see the new IE9 standard. We took time to check it out, and we must admit it is headed in a good direction. Perhaps that is why Joe Marini is saying:
"It's organized essentially the same way as the original, except laid out to be easily read and used on the mobile form factor... We've ported over some of the more popular samples from the full version of the IE Test Drive and have developed a few of our own mobile-specific ones too, including the demos that Joe Belfiore showed at MIX 11 earlier this year."
"It's important to note that even though we use the same core rendering engines on both the desktop and mobile versions of IE and adhere to the concept of 'same markup' when we produce our samples, we felt that it was worth creating a mobile test drive site to illustrate how we approach some of the key issues that developers face when creating mobile-optimized content: screen sizes, device capabilities, etc.," Marini said.
So, let's examine the comments for a section, especially since we know how s unsatisfied web developers have been with IE for some time. The phrase "Same markup" refers to Microsoft's stated goal that a Web developer should be able to write a single version of a Web page that will look the same in all browsers. Now the rest of the browser world has been trying to do this for some time, under the title of web browser standards. While Microsoft might like to world to think that this is new news, it is not. We just finally have that organization paying attention to standards again.
Microsoft has set up a Microsoft IE 9 demo site for all to see the new IE9 standard. We took time to check it out, and we must admit it is headed in a good direction. Perhaps that is why Joe Marini is saying:
"It's organized essentially the same way as the original, except laid out to be easily read and used on the mobile form factor... We've ported over some of the more popular samples from the full version of the IE Test Drive and have developed a few of our own mobile-specific ones too, including the demos that Joe Belfiore showed at MIX 11 earlier this year."
"It's important to note that even though we use the same core rendering engines on both the desktop and mobile versions of IE and adhere to the concept of 'same markup' when we produce our samples, we felt that it was worth creating a mobile test drive site to illustrate how we approach some of the key issues that developers face when creating mobile-optimized content: screen sizes, device capabilities, etc.," Marini said.
So, let's examine the comments for a section, especially since we know how s unsatisfied web developers have been with IE for some time. The phrase "Same markup" refers to Microsoft's stated goal that a Web developer should be able to write a single version of a Web page that will look the same in all browsers. Now the rest of the browser world has been trying to do this for some time, under the title of web browser standards. While Microsoft might like to world to think that this is new news, it is not. We just finally have that organization paying attention to standards again.
Apple?s iCloud Service to be Delayed in the U.K.
It has not been that long ago that Steve Jobs made an annoucement about Apple’s new iCloud service. In fact, he did so at the WWDC on Monday, as a part of his keynote address to the convention. However, getting this new service across the world may take a bit of time, if the issues with the U.K. rollout of iCloud are any indicator.
As of this time, it looks as though the iCloud service is not going to have a go live date in the United Kingdom until sometime around February 2012. There are reports in multiple places across the net that negotiations are going slowly.
Imagine that from Apple. One only need remember the launch of iTunes to remember how slow the roll out from Apple went to other countries. So we Aussies had better not plan on seeing iCloud for a bit. With any luck, the U.S. launch will still be on time for this coming fall, when we expect to see the launch of the iOS 5 operating system.
As of this time, it looks as though the iCloud service is not going to have a go live date in the United Kingdom until sometime around February 2012. There are reports in multiple places across the net that negotiations are going slowly.
Imagine that from Apple. One only need remember the launch of iTunes to remember how slow the roll out from Apple went to other countries. So we Aussies had better not plan on seeing iCloud for a bit. With any luck, the U.S. launch will still be on time for this coming fall, when we expect to see the launch of the iOS 5 operating system.
SEO Expert Link Building Part Two
Welcome to SEO Expert link building part two. Last week, we began a discussion on some best practices for developing a quality web of links for your particular website. I guarantee you also, that any good SEO expert is following these same best practices. So, let’s look at 5 more items to add to your best practice strategy.
Make A Decision to Develop Links Over Time
Effective link building should be a marathon, not a race. There should be slow, steady growth to the number of links you add to content on your website. Also, you want to really be consistent. Maybe you’ll decide to add one or two links every month for a year. Maybe you will have some other pace. Just make it slow and consistent for the best results. Don’t cram a 100 quality links on to a site on one day. You just won’t get the results you need.
Diversify Your Links and Link Mentions
There can be a lot of quality content available to link to in your website content. Make sure you link to all of them eventually. One tactic for this is to look at a quality website, and see who they are using for links. Become a regular part of that whole circle of people. Linking regularly to just one source does not get the results it used to with SERP’s. Now, the search engines are looking for a site that is sharing content in a manner that would remind one of a term paper. If you can get that analogy in your head, you’ll be good. Spread these links around in your anchor text also.
Link with Short and Longtail Keyword Phrases
You want to use a variety of keyword phrases for your website, so changing up your strategy is important. Use a tool like Google’s keyword analyzer to help you find some short and longtail phrases to use for your website. Look for keywords that have little competition, but yet get some good hits every month, and you’ll have a strategy to really help your links.
9. Be A Part of the Circle of Influence.
If you really want to build a good strategy for getting links, you’ll ultimately have to be a regular part of the conversations about what is happening in your market. That is why we blog every week, and will continue to do so. This type of strategy draws people to come back and read your work often. This type of link building just can’t happen overnight.
Stay Away from Link Farms and Quick Link Building Sites
There are many places on the web where you can get hundreds of back links for your website at once. The problem is, most of these links have been deemed worthless in today’s world of SEO relevancy. If you can find the link farm, so can Google, and Bing, and so forth. And if you look at the links they offer, you can bet every customer they have will get the same canned list of links. So, stay away from the link farms and do the hard work to really build your website. If you are unsure what to do, talk to an SEO Expert with a proven list of clients and a good track record.
Today, link farms and tons of link directories are mostly deemed worthless. Don’t seek success in spam-havens or link-exchange networks. When you’re ready to incorporate link building into your Organic Search initiative, you need to consult with experts who understand link building best practices.
Make A Decision to Develop Links Over Time
Effective link building should be a marathon, not a race. There should be slow, steady growth to the number of links you add to content on your website. Also, you want to really be consistent. Maybe you’ll decide to add one or two links every month for a year. Maybe you will have some other pace. Just make it slow and consistent for the best results. Don’t cram a 100 quality links on to a site on one day. You just won’t get the results you need.
Diversify Your Links and Link Mentions
There can be a lot of quality content available to link to in your website content. Make sure you link to all of them eventually. One tactic for this is to look at a quality website, and see who they are using for links. Become a regular part of that whole circle of people. Linking regularly to just one source does not get the results it used to with SERP’s. Now, the search engines are looking for a site that is sharing content in a manner that would remind one of a term paper. If you can get that analogy in your head, you’ll be good. Spread these links around in your anchor text also.
Link with Short and Longtail Keyword Phrases
You want to use a variety of keyword phrases for your website, so changing up your strategy is important. Use a tool like Google’s keyword analyzer to help you find some short and longtail phrases to use for your website. Look for keywords that have little competition, but yet get some good hits every month, and you’ll have a strategy to really help your links.
9. Be A Part of the Circle of Influence.
If you really want to build a good strategy for getting links, you’ll ultimately have to be a regular part of the conversations about what is happening in your market. That is why we blog every week, and will continue to do so. This type of strategy draws people to come back and read your work often. This type of link building just can’t happen overnight.
Stay Away from Link Farms and Quick Link Building Sites
There are many places on the web where you can get hundreds of back links for your website at once. The problem is, most of these links have been deemed worthless in today’s world of SEO relevancy. If you can find the link farm, so can Google, and Bing, and so forth. And if you look at the links they offer, you can bet every customer they have will get the same canned list of links. So, stay away from the link farms and do the hard work to really build your website. If you are unsure what to do, talk to an SEO Expert with a proven list of clients and a good track record.
Today, link farms and tons of link directories are mostly deemed worthless. Don’t seek success in spam-havens or link-exchange networks. When you’re ready to incorporate link building into your Organic Search initiative, you need to consult with experts who understand link building best practices.
SEO Expert Link Building Part One
Welcome to SEO Expert link building part one. For two installments of our SEO Experts Australia Blog, I wanted to share some so-called “best practices for SEO link building.” Off we go.
I try to write about link building fairly often, because it is not easy to accomplish quickly. It can takes months of dedicated work to the average individual to develop good links for their website. Even an SEO Expert will have to put in some serious work on a website, if the intent is to get good, quality inbound and outbound links. So, let’s talk a little of building those quality links.
1.Your Anchor Text Needs to Change
Anchor text needs to be reflective of the content on the page. However, using the same anchor text all the time can also take away from the weight on your SERP’s By changing around the anchor texts on your site, you will help to keep the scores you get on your SERP’s high.
2. Deep Links Are Important to Deep Reading
The average blog typically does a pretty good job of getting deep links. By deep links, I mean links that integrate deeply into the entire website. It is important for all the pages of your website to have links to content across the whole domain. Many people fail to get links any deeper than, say, the landing page of the website, or perhaps a products page. Try cross referencing your links. From a pure readability standpoint, this will also greatly help your bounce back rate.
3. Link to People Who Link to You
Another great way to boost links is to add some links to your website content for people who link to you. Some SEO Experts call this “indirect linking.” Part of what Google looks for is a web of information surrounding your website. How detailed is the web of in and outbound links for your website? Spending time building this will also add credibility to your site.
4. Create NoFollos and do follow links
Do follow links can be very important for your website. A do follow attribute on a link tells the search engines to fully index the link. A no follow attribute is designed to do the opposite, though robots can still record their presence. The perennial problem to do follows links is spam links. If you get these type of links to your content, remove them. Don’t allow anyone to auto post. Use a CAPTCHA plugin, or other such add on to help keep down on links you don’t want. The lesson here, though, is you want both.
5. Vary Your Links Based on Google PR Ratings
If a low ranking PR site has solid content, consider adding a few of these type of links to your website. Defintely make sure you also include links that go to sites with a Google PR rating of 3 or more. If you are just starting to add links to your new website, start with the later.
SEO Expert link building, as you can see, is almost an art form. Following these best practices, though, will keep you on the right path. Your overall link building strategy will require testing and change. We’ll talk more about this in next weeks installment of SEO Expert link building.
I try to write about link building fairly often, because it is not easy to accomplish quickly. It can takes months of dedicated work to the average individual to develop good links for their website. Even an SEO Expert will have to put in some serious work on a website, if the intent is to get good, quality inbound and outbound links. So, let’s talk a little of building those quality links.
1.Your Anchor Text Needs to Change
Anchor text needs to be reflective of the content on the page. However, using the same anchor text all the time can also take away from the weight on your SERP’s By changing around the anchor texts on your site, you will help to keep the scores you get on your SERP’s high.
2. Deep Links Are Important to Deep Reading
The average blog typically does a pretty good job of getting deep links. By deep links, I mean links that integrate deeply into the entire website. It is important for all the pages of your website to have links to content across the whole domain. Many people fail to get links any deeper than, say, the landing page of the website, or perhaps a products page. Try cross referencing your links. From a pure readability standpoint, this will also greatly help your bounce back rate.
3. Link to People Who Link to You
Another great way to boost links is to add some links to your website content for people who link to you. Some SEO Experts call this “indirect linking.” Part of what Google looks for is a web of information surrounding your website. How detailed is the web of in and outbound links for your website? Spending time building this will also add credibility to your site.
4. Create NoFollos and do follow links
Do follow links can be very important for your website. A do follow attribute on a link tells the search engines to fully index the link. A no follow attribute is designed to do the opposite, though robots can still record their presence. The perennial problem to do follows links is spam links. If you get these type of links to your content, remove them. Don’t allow anyone to auto post. Use a CAPTCHA plugin, or other such add on to help keep down on links you don’t want. The lesson here, though, is you want both.
5. Vary Your Links Based on Google PR Ratings
If a low ranking PR site has solid content, consider adding a few of these type of links to your website. Defintely make sure you also include links that go to sites with a Google PR rating of 3 or more. If you are just starting to add links to your new website, start with the later.
SEO Expert link building, as you can see, is almost an art form. Following these best practices, though, will keep you on the right path. Your overall link building strategy will require testing and change. We’ll talk more about this in next weeks installment of SEO Expert link building.
Monday, June 6, 2011
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Friday, May 13, 2011
The Ultimate Bio Waste Car
Here is a story that just could not be passed up. The ultimate bio waste car is now one that can run on urine. Yes, that's's a pee power car. The interesting thing is, the pee powered engine could run lots of motors for many applications.
A team of scientists working at Ohio State University developed the catalyst that can extract hydrogen from pee. Since the device can product a lot more energy than it takes to run, it can be connected with a hydrogen fuel cell, in order to store energy that can run the motor.
Gerardine Botte is the main force behind the development of this process. Her electrolyzer uses a nickel-based electrode to extract hydrogen from urea (NH2)2CO, the main component in urine. Hydrogen is less tightly bound to the nitrogen in urea than to the oxygen in water, so the electrolyzer needs just 0.37 volts across the cell to oxidize the urea, according to Botte. That’s less than half the amount of energy in an AA battery and considerably less than the 1.23 volts needed to split water. How's that for Mother Nature's efficiency. The urine is also steril by nature, so it is not as messy a prospect as organically decomposing fecal waste, in order to product energy.
The device used to convert the urine to energy is very small, and could be carried on the car. In addition, most humans make around 2 liters of pee a day, so the supply would always be there. The bi-product is water, and is safe enough to use on a flower bed. It would not be necessary, with this hydrogen system, to have a storage tank for waste. Not a bad trade off.
With some development, and a bit of needed funding, Dr. Botte thinks that the pee powered car could be up and on the roads of the United States in a year. Perhaps the bigger battle would be to get the Yanks to give up their Petrol. Nevertheless, the pee powered car is a brilliant idea, and gives us hope to think that humanity can find better ways to power our industry.
I may even drink a pint in honor of the cause. Gents, to the ultimate bio waste car!
Johnny Smoes,
A team of scientists working at Ohio State University developed the catalyst that can extract hydrogen from pee. Since the device can product a lot more energy than it takes to run, it can be connected with a hydrogen fuel cell, in order to store energy that can run the motor.
Gerardine Botte is the main force behind the development of this process. Her electrolyzer uses a nickel-based electrode to extract hydrogen from urea (NH2)2CO, the main component in urine. Hydrogen is less tightly bound to the nitrogen in urea than to the oxygen in water, so the electrolyzer needs just 0.37 volts across the cell to oxidize the urea, according to Botte. That’s less than half the amount of energy in an AA battery and considerably less than the 1.23 volts needed to split water. How's that for Mother Nature's efficiency. The urine is also steril by nature, so it is not as messy a prospect as organically decomposing fecal waste, in order to product energy.
The device used to convert the urine to energy is very small, and could be carried on the car. In addition, most humans make around 2 liters of pee a day, so the supply would always be there. The bi-product is water, and is safe enough to use on a flower bed. It would not be necessary, with this hydrogen system, to have a storage tank for waste. Not a bad trade off.
With some development, and a bit of needed funding, Dr. Botte thinks that the pee powered car could be up and on the roads of the United States in a year. Perhaps the bigger battle would be to get the Yanks to give up their Petrol. Nevertheless, the pee powered car is a brilliant idea, and gives us hope to think that humanity can find better ways to power our industry.
I may even drink a pint in honor of the cause. Gents, to the ultimate bio waste car!
Johnny Smoes,
Saturday, May 7, 2011
Sunday, May 1, 2011
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Read about how SEO Firms are dealing with Google's 2011 algorithm change in real terms at
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Good Quality Number 1 Rankings Take Work and Time. But it is worth it. Check out the whole story at
FTP, or file transfer protocol, celebrated a 40 year birthday on Saturday, April 17, 2011. Despite it's age, it is still a heavily used software that has evolved over time. To learn more about file transfer protocol, read the article at
Sunday, April 10, 2011
An SEO specialist can help you secure higher rank for your website
A good SEO specialist can help you secure a higher rank for your website. There are many advantages to having someone help you. That holds true for those you do some of their own SEO work.
The best thing that an SEO Specialist from a good SEO consulting firm can do for you is help you design the strategy for building traffic. Often, the amateur SEO Specialist will fail to track results, and augment strategies for improvement, based on sound statistics. Too often, amateur SEO Specialist types will also try every new trick they find on the Internet. Many of them are good, but may not be the best option for their website. This is where the SEO Specialist can help you get the plan on track.
A good SEO Specialist also undergoes constant training and learning. The major search engines change their tactics often, so you have to stay on top of what is working or not working. An SEO expert will be attending classes, going to seminars and conventions, and the like.
You will also want to choose the SEO professional services for your website based on SEO consulting that has a proven track record. Anotherwords, there can be vast differences in the skill level of people who call themselves an SEO Specialist.
If you would like to consider getting a good SEO Specialist, we would be happy to give you a free consultation at SEO Experts Australia, to help you understand what we can do for you.
Johnny Smoes
SEO Experts Australia
The best thing that an SEO Specialist from a good SEO consulting firm can do for you is help you design the strategy for building traffic. Often, the amateur SEO Specialist will fail to track results, and augment strategies for improvement, based on sound statistics. Too often, amateur SEO Specialist types will also try every new trick they find on the Internet. Many of them are good, but may not be the best option for their website. This is where the SEO Specialist can help you get the plan on track.
A good SEO Specialist also undergoes constant training and learning. The major search engines change their tactics often, so you have to stay on top of what is working or not working. An SEO expert will be attending classes, going to seminars and conventions, and the like.
You will also want to choose the SEO professional services for your website based on SEO consulting that has a proven track record. Anotherwords, there can be vast differences in the skill level of people who call themselves an SEO Specialist.
If you would like to consider getting a good SEO Specialist, we would be happy to give you a free consultation at SEO Experts Australia, to help you understand what we can do for you.
Johnny Smoes
SEO Experts Australia
SEO Firms and Tweeting Hot Topics
SEO firms tweet hot topics to draw traffic. Why would that be important? It is a clever SEO trick, because tweeting hot topics can be one way to really help draw traffic to your website. Simple connections to current topics of interest will help many people take the extra step to go ahead and visit your website. Then, it’s up to you to WOW them. Here are some simple rules about tweeting hot topics.
Make sure the topic is relevant to your website. On this website about social media marketing, website development, etc., I would be much better off talking about the new iPad than I would the one year birthday of the children of the “octamom.” Doing otherwise will not give you favorable results, and it really cheapens your website content. So, what do these results look like? That’s simple: you want people to re-tweet your work, comment on your post, etc.
SEO firms tweet hot topics that are relevant, in some way, to the website at hand. Some of the overall best subject matter for tweeting hot topics comes from new technical innovations, the lifestyles of the rich and famous, what’s happening with celebrities, and my personal favorite, politics! If you can find good topic matter in these areas, you will draw extra hits.
Images and videos are also a great way to bring extra hits to your website from tweeting. Most of us have now grown up with television, so we love our videos. That is why Youtube is the number two website in the world. The biggest mistake people make in tweeting video is getting too commercial with it. Try to give people information, share some knowledge, help people. Then, after you have shared first, you can be justified in pointing people to products and services.
Tweeting hot topics can be a great way to draw traffic to your website. It can also be a way to stimulate conversation on your Twitter page. SEO firms have been using the trick for years, now it is time for you to give it a try. Good luck.
Make sure the topic is relevant to your website. On this website about social media marketing, website development, etc., I would be much better off talking about the new iPad than I would the one year birthday of the children of the “octamom.” Doing otherwise will not give you favorable results, and it really cheapens your website content. So, what do these results look like? That’s simple: you want people to re-tweet your work, comment on your post, etc.
SEO firms tweet hot topics that are relevant, in some way, to the website at hand. Some of the overall best subject matter for tweeting hot topics comes from new technical innovations, the lifestyles of the rich and famous, what’s happening with celebrities, and my personal favorite, politics! If you can find good topic matter in these areas, you will draw extra hits.
Images and videos are also a great way to bring extra hits to your website from tweeting. Most of us have now grown up with television, so we love our videos. That is why Youtube is the number two website in the world. The biggest mistake people make in tweeting video is getting too commercial with it. Try to give people information, share some knowledge, help people. Then, after you have shared first, you can be justified in pointing people to products and services.
Tweeting hot topics can be a great way to draw traffic to your website. It can also be a way to stimulate conversation on your Twitter page. SEO firms have been using the trick for years, now it is time for you to give it a try. Good luck.
Saturday, March 26, 2011
The iPad2 is off and Running
Well, the iPad 2 is off and running, having made its international go live date. The lines were found to be long in Berlin, and London, and even in my part of the world in Sydney. In total, the new iPad 2 went on sale in 25 countries.
My favorite story came from London, there people were lined up to get a new iPad 2 for more than 33 hours. People were spending the night on the street, or standing and trying to stay awake. It’s crazy mate.
If the counts are correct, there were more than 300 people in the line outside the Regent’s Street Apple store. There were more than 500 outside an Apple store in Covent Garden. So, her Majesty’s constituents were in good form for this launch, just like they were for the original launch of the iPad.
Ok, enough about the crazy people in London. The new iPad is much lighter and thinner than the original. It has been equipped with two cameras and a faster processor. It went on sale Friday in 21 European countries plus Australia, Canada, Mexico and New Zealand.
And, I must say, it did well down under. People began lining up outside an Apple store in Sydney, Australia, two days before the sought-after device went on sale.
Apple had originally planned to also begin selling the iPad 2 in Japan Friday but delayed that launch in the wake of the destruction wrought there two weeks ago by an earthquake and tsunami.
The iPad 2 went on sale March 11 in the U.S. It will be available next month in Hong Kong, Korea, Singapore and additional countries. So, stay tuned. We’ll have to see how the numbers come in.
Johnny Smoes – fighting off the crowds in Sydney.
My favorite story came from London, there people were lined up to get a new iPad 2 for more than 33 hours. People were spending the night on the street, or standing and trying to stay awake. It’s crazy mate.
If the counts are correct, there were more than 300 people in the line outside the Regent’s Street Apple store. There were more than 500 outside an Apple store in Covent Garden. So, her Majesty’s constituents were in good form for this launch, just like they were for the original launch of the iPad.
Ok, enough about the crazy people in London. The new iPad is much lighter and thinner than the original. It has been equipped with two cameras and a faster processor. It went on sale Friday in 21 European countries plus Australia, Canada, Mexico and New Zealand.
And, I must say, it did well down under. People began lining up outside an Apple store in Sydney, Australia, two days before the sought-after device went on sale.
Apple had originally planned to also begin selling the iPad 2 in Japan Friday but delayed that launch in the wake of the destruction wrought there two weeks ago by an earthquake and tsunami.
The iPad 2 went on sale March 11 in the U.S. It will be available next month in Hong Kong, Korea, Singapore and additional countries. So, stay tuned. We’ll have to see how the numbers come in.
Johnny Smoes – fighting off the crowds in Sydney.
Mobilizing Your Website
Many search engine marketing services are now gearing up to help customers with creating a mobile platform version of their traditional website. I call this “mobilizing” a website. If you are one of those people who plan on using a platform to “mobilize” your website, and still be able to keep good search engines optimization, then there are a few things you need to look out for, as they can have a dramatic effect on mobile SEO.
Most mobile platforms work quite simply. They simply take the existing content from your existing website pages and remove all complex code and media, leaving plain or rich text format text and a minimal number of images. This is basically the same as the “transcoding” that the search engines do. The nice thing is, though, that a proprietary platform it is more customizable.
The first problem with these kinds of software is that if they are web based, they may include the mobile content on a subdomain of their main domain, rather than including it on your domain. This generally looks something like: In terms of SEO, that means that you are building up their domain rather than yours, and they have all control of the hosting. Any links, traffic or rankings that your mobile content accumulates are actually accredited to their domain rather than your own. In this case, all your efforts are for naught.
You will also need to be careful with how pages are named on your new platform. The new optimized files may strip away keywords that have been placed there for good SEO on a traditional site. Links that you are using as anchor text can also get messed up. So, having a good SEO firm to help you build this architecture could be a big help. This particular issue could still haunt you, even if you have your true domain name showing for the mobile platform.
When your mobile content is on a mobile subdomain or subdirectory the best bet is to always mirror your traditional site architecture. This lets you take advantage of your previous efforts, including keywords in your file structure. It also makes it much easier for developers to link between the mobile and the traditional content, and to understand what is going on. Don’t try to reinvent the wheel mate.
Again, you will need to submit a mobile site map and link it from your robots.txt file. If you are putting content on a mobile subdomain, you actually need to create a separate robots.txt file and place it and the mobile site map at the root directory of your mobile subdomain. It is fine to also link from the site map in root folder of the primary domain, but it is best to do both. With this strategy your mobile-specific content should be pared-down and optimized enough that it will out-rank the traditional site in searches on less sophisticated phones. In searches on smart phones, your traditional site is more likely to rank, but the browser detection and redirection should ensure that mobile users still get to the correct content. If you use this strategy, you actually provide a good user experience and the best chance of ranking well on the largest number of phones.
If you have any doubts about using a mobile platform for your mobile website version, then you will want to consider using some SEO professional services. A good SEO expert can help you weigh all the decisions, in order to help you be able to take advantage of all the good SEO that has went into your main website.
That’s my take on it, mates.
Johnny Smoes, SEO Experts
Most mobile platforms work quite simply. They simply take the existing content from your existing website pages and remove all complex code and media, leaving plain or rich text format text and a minimal number of images. This is basically the same as the “transcoding” that the search engines do. The nice thing is, though, that a proprietary platform it is more customizable.
The first problem with these kinds of software is that if they are web based, they may include the mobile content on a subdomain of their main domain, rather than including it on your domain. This generally looks something like: In terms of SEO, that means that you are building up their domain rather than yours, and they have all control of the hosting. Any links, traffic or rankings that your mobile content accumulates are actually accredited to their domain rather than your own. In this case, all your efforts are for naught.
You will also need to be careful with how pages are named on your new platform. The new optimized files may strip away keywords that have been placed there for good SEO on a traditional site. Links that you are using as anchor text can also get messed up. So, having a good SEO firm to help you build this architecture could be a big help. This particular issue could still haunt you, even if you have your true domain name showing for the mobile platform.
When your mobile content is on a mobile subdomain or subdirectory the best bet is to always mirror your traditional site architecture. This lets you take advantage of your previous efforts, including keywords in your file structure. It also makes it much easier for developers to link between the mobile and the traditional content, and to understand what is going on. Don’t try to reinvent the wheel mate.
Again, you will need to submit a mobile site map and link it from your robots.txt file. If you are putting content on a mobile subdomain, you actually need to create a separate robots.txt file and place it and the mobile site map at the root directory of your mobile subdomain. It is fine to also link from the site map in root folder of the primary domain, but it is best to do both. With this strategy your mobile-specific content should be pared-down and optimized enough that it will out-rank the traditional site in searches on less sophisticated phones. In searches on smart phones, your traditional site is more likely to rank, but the browser detection and redirection should ensure that mobile users still get to the correct content. If you use this strategy, you actually provide a good user experience and the best chance of ranking well on the largest number of phones.
If you have any doubts about using a mobile platform for your mobile website version, then you will want to consider using some SEO professional services. A good SEO expert can help you weigh all the decisions, in order to help you be able to take advantage of all the good SEO that has went into your main website.
That’s my take on it, mates.
Johnny Smoes, SEO Experts
Sunday, March 20, 2011
In Search of A Good Battery
Ok, I have decided to devote this article to the issues to be in search of a good battery. My need is really simple, I want a battery that can last for 3-4 years, and hold a whole day of charge. (My day is 10-12 hours.) But that is not always the case. Inside of every great gadget I have lies a battery, that has the potential of dissapointing me some day.
To be more specific, the lithium ion battery is the standard of the day. It works by repelling ions across a lithium cathode over to a carbon anode. In the carbon anode, they can be stored for future use. Later, my nifty little gadget will want to get at the current stored there. This happens as the current flows back to the lithium cathode. The are all electro-chemical reactions. These needed little ions pass to and fro across the cathode and anode, making our world of electric gadgets happen.
The lithium ion battery is the one of choice because because they are very light, and can be very small, making them suited for electronics. They can hold a good chaqrge, and can be charged multiple times. My problem is, I want them to last forever.
Our Lithium ion batteries will start dying from birth. With regular use, they can wear out in less than a couple of years. Along the way, the lithium ion battery goes through the human equivalent of congestive heart failure, and the ability of the battery degredates. You get energy loss and shorter charge times, which can lead to undesirous results in my favorite techy gadgets.
The culprit of this degredation is the cathode. The lithium is slowly changed over time, from the chemical reactions. Some small deposits end up on the lithium, which damages their ability to transfer charges. Simply, they become less receptive over the course of the battery life. The left over deposits are tiny bits of metal.
Batteries can also decompose over time. The cathode will oxidize, leaving a rust like substance on the cathode, which blocks the conductivity of the cathode. So, you end up with an old battery that is rusted, has broken electrodes, and corroded surfaces.
We really don’t want to change batteries though. There are bigger batteries that could last longer, but we don’t want the size or the weight of these in our every smaller gadgets.
Well, the future does look promising. There are many companies working on ways to make our batteries better. Lithium ion technology is reaching a peak, so many companies will be looking for other options for making cathodes. On another front, some companies are experimenting with elements like silicon to replace the carbon based anodes of today.
Of one thing I am sure, though. Our demand for better batteries will keep the R & D departments of the major battery technology companies looking for better options. In the meantime, I guess I’ll just have to get happy with the batteries I have.
Johnny Smoes,
To be more specific, the lithium ion battery is the standard of the day. It works by repelling ions across a lithium cathode over to a carbon anode. In the carbon anode, they can be stored for future use. Later, my nifty little gadget will want to get at the current stored there. This happens as the current flows back to the lithium cathode. The are all electro-chemical reactions. These needed little ions pass to and fro across the cathode and anode, making our world of electric gadgets happen.
The lithium ion battery is the one of choice because because they are very light, and can be very small, making them suited for electronics. They can hold a good chaqrge, and can be charged multiple times. My problem is, I want them to last forever.
Our Lithium ion batteries will start dying from birth. With regular use, they can wear out in less than a couple of years. Along the way, the lithium ion battery goes through the human equivalent of congestive heart failure, and the ability of the battery degredates. You get energy loss and shorter charge times, which can lead to undesirous results in my favorite techy gadgets.
The culprit of this degredation is the cathode. The lithium is slowly changed over time, from the chemical reactions. Some small deposits end up on the lithium, which damages their ability to transfer charges. Simply, they become less receptive over the course of the battery life. The left over deposits are tiny bits of metal.
Batteries can also decompose over time. The cathode will oxidize, leaving a rust like substance on the cathode, which blocks the conductivity of the cathode. So, you end up with an old battery that is rusted, has broken electrodes, and corroded surfaces.
We really don’t want to change batteries though. There are bigger batteries that could last longer, but we don’t want the size or the weight of these in our every smaller gadgets.
Well, the future does look promising. There are many companies working on ways to make our batteries better. Lithium ion technology is reaching a peak, so many companies will be looking for other options for making cathodes. On another front, some companies are experimenting with elements like silicon to replace the carbon based anodes of today.
Of one thing I am sure, though. Our demand for better batteries will keep the R & D departments of the major battery technology companies looking for better options. In the meantime, I guess I’ll just have to get happy with the batteries I have.
Johnny Smoes,
Saturday, March 5, 2011
A One Hour SEO Consulting Challenge
SEO consulting is important for many reasons. Infact, every company should really consider some SEO consulting, even if only periodically. So, we want to give you a one hour SEO Consulting Challenge.
The biggest reason behind this for objectivity. Every so often, you need a fresh pair of eyes looking at your website. People with no direct connection to your company can bring the cold, hard truth to the process of analyizing how things are going.
SEO consulting is also needed, once in a while, to make sure you are taking advantage of the newest techniques and strategies. Google, and other search engines, change the way they rank websites all the time. They are also constantly looking for ways to improve the methodology behind how they do SERP's. If you are not changing your SEO website strategy periodically, you are missing out.
These are good reasons to consider taking a one hour SEO consulting challenge. If you are in need of search engine marketing services, we would like you to consider contacting our company at, and take the one hour SEO consulting challenge.
The biggest reason behind this for objectivity. Every so often, you need a fresh pair of eyes looking at your website. People with no direct connection to your company can bring the cold, hard truth to the process of analyizing how things are going.
SEO consulting is also needed, once in a while, to make sure you are taking advantage of the newest techniques and strategies. Google, and other search engines, change the way they rank websites all the time. They are also constantly looking for ways to improve the methodology behind how they do SERP's. If you are not changing your SEO website strategy periodically, you are missing out.
These are good reasons to consider taking a one hour SEO consulting challenge. If you are in need of search engine marketing services, we would like you to consider contacting our company at, and take the one hour SEO consulting challenge.
The Role of Pay Per Click Advertising
Pay-Per-Click Advertising
Pay-Per-Click Advertising (frequently simply called "PPC") is a form of online marketing. It involves paid placement of targeted ads in search engines and websites. Through this form of advertising, each visitor to your site is being paid for. This typically costs from a few cents to several dollars per visitor, depending on the amount of competition and timing. One popular PPC method involves placing ads with Google's adword program.
PPC Advertising Campaigns
PPC advertising campaigns appear to be straightforward but can be very tricky. For example, once you set up the account with the search engines, you must be prepared to find appropriate, affordable keywords to bid on. Once the ads are being placed, you have to track the results and cost-effectiveness.
Moreover, using a PPC ad campaign is frequently part of a larger marketing approach. As such, trends, seasons, and other factors must be considered. For example, the cost of ads for winter coats may be inexpensive during the summer but how many people are actually going to purchase one when it's hot outside? This is one of the issues that must be considered in regards to an ad campaign.
PPC Pricing & Fees
While it seems simple enough, pay-per-click campaigns can be confusing to set up. Let us do the work for you! We require a very affordable set-up fee, minimal monthly maintenance, and a small percentage of your budget. In practice, this is very cost effective. There is no long-term contract to sign so you can cancel at any time. Unlike many companies, there is no monthly spending minimum so if you have an advertising budget of $500 or $5,000, it makes no difference.
Please contact us for more information for more information on our Pay-Per-Click Advertising, whether you are in the Montreal area, in Boston, New York, NYC, Sacramento, or any other city. We have been working with international clients around the world for years and can help your business's online needs.
Pay-Per-Click Advertising (frequently simply called "PPC") is a form of online marketing. It involves paid placement of targeted ads in search engines and websites. Through this form of advertising, each visitor to your site is being paid for. This typically costs from a few cents to several dollars per visitor, depending on the amount of competition and timing. One popular PPC method involves placing ads with Google's adword program.
PPC Advertising Campaigns
PPC advertising campaigns appear to be straightforward but can be very tricky. For example, once you set up the account with the search engines, you must be prepared to find appropriate, affordable keywords to bid on. Once the ads are being placed, you have to track the results and cost-effectiveness.
Moreover, using a PPC ad campaign is frequently part of a larger marketing approach. As such, trends, seasons, and other factors must be considered. For example, the cost of ads for winter coats may be inexpensive during the summer but how many people are actually going to purchase one when it's hot outside? This is one of the issues that must be considered in regards to an ad campaign.
PPC Pricing & Fees
While it seems simple enough, pay-per-click campaigns can be confusing to set up. Let us do the work for you! We require a very affordable set-up fee, minimal monthly maintenance, and a small percentage of your budget. In practice, this is very cost effective. There is no long-term contract to sign so you can cancel at any time. Unlike many companies, there is no monthly spending minimum so if you have an advertising budget of $500 or $5,000, it makes no difference.
Please contact us for more information for more information on our Pay-Per-Click Advertising, whether you are in the Montreal area, in Boston, New York, NYC, Sacramento, or any other city. We have been working with international clients around the world for years and can help your business's online needs.
Sunday, February 6, 2011
SEO Optimization for Tumblr
Today, I want to talk about SEO Optimization for Tumblr. The social website called Tumblr has really become a great site to add to any social media marketing campaign. But by default, there are many things about the social website that make it harder to get your Tumblr site recognized by the search engines. This leaves you the option of only being able to get people back to your main website by personal interaction with friends you make on Tumblr.
Let’s talk, then, about one simple thing you can do to help your Tumblr social site score better in SERP’s. One of the first things you need to do is submit the appropriate Tumblr sitemap.xml file to the search engines. You will want to submit your Tumblr site to Google Webmaster Tools, Y! Site Explorer and Bing Webmaster. This way, you get the most coverage for 3 quick submissions.
Each Tumblr site has a sitemap.xml file that is unique to each account on Tumblr. The naming convention for the file is The “yoursite” piece is your username with Tumblr. By submitting this, search engines will have better information about the pages to index and thus will be able to index more pages per site. This tactic alone will give your Tumblr site a lot more exposure.
So, to get you started, I have included the sites that you will want to use to submit your Tumblr sitemap. They are:
SEO Optimization for Tumblr will help you get found on that site, and draw new people to this source of information. Don’t forget to provide links back to your main website for visitors to follow.
Johnny Smoes is an IT Programmer and Principle with SEO Experts, a company that specializes in search engine optimization for your all your websites. You can contact them at for more information on making your social media campaign work better.
Let’s talk, then, about one simple thing you can do to help your Tumblr social site score better in SERP’s. One of the first things you need to do is submit the appropriate Tumblr sitemap.xml file to the search engines. You will want to submit your Tumblr site to Google Webmaster Tools, Y! Site Explorer and Bing Webmaster. This way, you get the most coverage for 3 quick submissions.
Each Tumblr site has a sitemap.xml file that is unique to each account on Tumblr. The naming convention for the file is The “yoursite” piece is your username with Tumblr. By submitting this, search engines will have better information about the pages to index and thus will be able to index more pages per site. This tactic alone will give your Tumblr site a lot more exposure.
So, to get you started, I have included the sites that you will want to use to submit your Tumblr sitemap. They are:
SEO Optimization for Tumblr will help you get found on that site, and draw new people to this source of information. Don’t forget to provide links back to your main website for visitors to follow.
Johnny Smoes is an IT Programmer and Principle with SEO Experts, a company that specializes in search engine optimization for your all your websites. You can contact them at for more information on making your social media campaign work better.
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
The New Future of Solar Cells
The New Future of Solar Cells is looking very bright. We recently had a chance to look at some of the new technology behind these little cells that capture the natural light of the sun. These little cells are capturing more light than ever.
The best solar cells on the market are made up of multiple layers of semiconductor material. Each of these layers is designed to be able to capture a different spectrum of light. Now though, a crack research team at Lawrence Berkeley National Lab have come up with a way to make a single semiconductor that can do the job of many. The new seminconductors should be fairly inexpensive also.
The folks at Berkeley are not alone though. There are many groups working on ways to capture more energy in from the light of the sun. The long running problem (ie.e going all the way back to the first solar cells of the 1960's) has always been that making solar cells can be expensive, and the needed components were hard to make.
With the breakthrough of the Berkeley Lab, the new cell is capable of converting almost half of the sunlight it receives into electricity. This rate is nearly 3 times the current best cells on the market. This ability has the potential of really driving down the cost of solar cells. In theory, you would then only need a single layer of semiconductor material to accomplish the same results as the current multi-layered versions.
The magic behind the new semiconductors is a substance called gallium arsenide. With some modification, the Berkeley Lab has figured out how to free multiple photons, which cause an electron to be freed. Typically, this material requires high-energy photons to generate electricity. But the folks at the Berkeley Lab have now modified the gallium arsenide, so that the energy from more than one photon is used to free an electron—energy adds up until an electron is freed. Some of the arsenic atoms in the material end up being replaced with nitrogen atoms, which creates tiny areas that act as stepping stones for electrons that have absorbed some energy from low-energy photons, where they can wait to receive energy from more photons. It's pretty amazing.
So, get ready. You have one day be able to power your laptop, or smartphone from the power of the sun. Solar cells definitely have a bright future.
The best solar cells on the market are made up of multiple layers of semiconductor material. Each of these layers is designed to be able to capture a different spectrum of light. Now though, a crack research team at Lawrence Berkeley National Lab have come up with a way to make a single semiconductor that can do the job of many. The new seminconductors should be fairly inexpensive also.
The folks at Berkeley are not alone though. There are many groups working on ways to capture more energy in from the light of the sun. The long running problem (ie.e going all the way back to the first solar cells of the 1960's) has always been that making solar cells can be expensive, and the needed components were hard to make.
With the breakthrough of the Berkeley Lab, the new cell is capable of converting almost half of the sunlight it receives into electricity. This rate is nearly 3 times the current best cells on the market. This ability has the potential of really driving down the cost of solar cells. In theory, you would then only need a single layer of semiconductor material to accomplish the same results as the current multi-layered versions.
The magic behind the new semiconductors is a substance called gallium arsenide. With some modification, the Berkeley Lab has figured out how to free multiple photons, which cause an electron to be freed. Typically, this material requires high-energy photons to generate electricity. But the folks at the Berkeley Lab have now modified the gallium arsenide, so that the energy from more than one photon is used to free an electron—energy adds up until an electron is freed. Some of the arsenic atoms in the material end up being replaced with nitrogen atoms, which creates tiny areas that act as stepping stones for electrons that have absorbed some energy from low-energy photons, where they can wait to receive energy from more photons. It's pretty amazing.
So, get ready. You have one day be able to power your laptop, or smartphone from the power of the sun. Solar cells definitely have a bright future.
Sunday, January 30, 2011
SEO Tips for Facebook
Did you know that, as of June 2010, Facebook search queries had grown to over 600 million in a month. That is a lot of traffic: traffic that could be coming to your website, if you know how to optimize your Facebook account for search engine optimization. This is some advice from the SEO Expert team at SEO Experts au on getting the most SEO for your Facebook account.
The first thing to work on is the internal search criterion on Facebook. In other words, you want to make sure you are adding keywords that attract social media users, as well as general users from the big SERP’s.
A Facebook internal search can show you a variety of results from your Facebook network, or other Facebook content like apps or groups, off-Facebook web pages. Now add to that the fact that Facebook has a Questions section, and you have the ability to build your own little Wiki of answers for people on Facebook. If the query reflects a question where none exists, it might prompt you to create one. That is a powerful way to build your website traffic.
As you think about questions, be thoughtful to include keywords that can draw people back to your website. Write a clear description also. You may also want to add a poll to your question, as this can help to push popularity. Bing really controls this type of traffic, and they are very keen on looking at the number of likes your question gets, so keep your answers descriptive, interesting, and informative.
You will also want to work on getting links to your fan page from relevant, external web sites. That could be your blog or other social profiles. Sites like Squidoo and HubPages can really help to improve your SEO ranking. You might also want to consider linking to your author bio, linking wherever it makes sense to link to your Facebook Fan page. You can also attract links to your page by attracting more fans/likes. Each like is a link or vote for your page, so be sure to give them a reason to “like” your content.
If you decide to make use of the help of an SEO firm to help you build the SEO Rankings of your Facebook account, you do not need to throw your whole SEO budget at the task. But quality SEO Professional Services will be a must. So, get started today on working on your SEO for Facebook.
Johnny Smoes is an IT Programmer and Principle with SEO Experts, Australia's leading experts on search engine optimization and website marketing.
The first thing to work on is the internal search criterion on Facebook. In other words, you want to make sure you are adding keywords that attract social media users, as well as general users from the big SERP’s.
A Facebook internal search can show you a variety of results from your Facebook network, or other Facebook content like apps or groups, off-Facebook web pages. Now add to that the fact that Facebook has a Questions section, and you have the ability to build your own little Wiki of answers for people on Facebook. If the query reflects a question where none exists, it might prompt you to create one. That is a powerful way to build your website traffic.
As you think about questions, be thoughtful to include keywords that can draw people back to your website. Write a clear description also. You may also want to add a poll to your question, as this can help to push popularity. Bing really controls this type of traffic, and they are very keen on looking at the number of likes your question gets, so keep your answers descriptive, interesting, and informative.
You will also want to work on getting links to your fan page from relevant, external web sites. That could be your blog or other social profiles. Sites like Squidoo and HubPages can really help to improve your SEO ranking. You might also want to consider linking to your author bio, linking wherever it makes sense to link to your Facebook Fan page. You can also attract links to your page by attracting more fans/likes. Each like is a link or vote for your page, so be sure to give them a reason to “like” your content.
If you decide to make use of the help of an SEO firm to help you build the SEO Rankings of your Facebook account, you do not need to throw your whole SEO budget at the task. But quality SEO Professional Services will be a must. So, get started today on working on your SEO for Facebook.
Johnny Smoes is an IT Programmer and Principle with SEO Experts, Australia's leading experts on search engine optimization and website marketing.
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Better Get A Good IT Firm in 2011
If there is one thing you do for your company this year, you'd better get a good IT firm in 2011. Internet Security is getting tougher to handle.
That's why we wanted to do a little feature on IT Security and Trojan Virsuses for the start of the 2011 year. Hiding viruses inside email, images, Word Documents, has become a hot item again. Let’s take a look at one such story at the top of the headlines for 2011: the Karma Sutra Trojan.
The virus is hidden inside a download of a Power Point promising lessons on Kama Sutra positions. Instead, if you will pardon the pun, your computer ends up with the digital equivalent of a sexually transmitted disease. The “hook” to get you to download is an old one: sex. And this hook is highly important. In order to spread this virus well, you have to promise something highly desireable to the general public. One of the last trojans I found was buried in a download that was supposed to deliver and old copy of Camtasia Suites video editing software. Had I not had quality anti-virus software, it could have been ugly.
Users whose curiosities are so aroused that they download the sexual slideshow —titled “Real kamasutra.pps.exe” — are taken to an actual presentation, so for the moment, things seem to check out. But while they’re viewing the provocative pornographic pics, a backdoor Trojan called “Troj/Bckdr-RFM” is hard at work, automatically and inconspicuously planting malicious software on the victim’s system. Once a computer has been corrupted with the devious Trojan, hackers can gain remote access to it and steal the user’s identity, or even enlist the machine as part of a zombie army of infected computers used to launch mass denial-of-service attacks. This example points out the second most important thing needed make a good trojan virus: I call it the “all things look normal” trap. You have to keep things looking “normal” long enough for the virus to take effect.
Once you reach this point, you have hit the third strike: a good trojan virus will set itself in the root directory, System directories, etc., making it hard to get rid of. Many will require a complete reformating of your computer.
The secret is having good anti-virus software. One of my favorites can even be had for free. It is called Avast. Part of the secret of the software is it’s lack of popularity. Hackers typically start working on the big stuff first, looking for vulnerabilities in the software. Examples of this in the IT Security software world would be McAfee, or Norton.
Another defense tactic is to make sure you have a complete backup of your computer stored somewhere off the computer. In the event you have to reformat your computer, you’ll still have your data. In addition, you may want to look at created a virtual hard drive on your computer, that is kept secured. It can be set to not have access to all the key files on your real hard drive. Download your stuff to the virtual drive, and scan it prior to allowing it to live with your data on the C: drive.
If you would like to know more about providing quality security for your internet marketing websites, we would love to talk to you. Just pay us a visit at for more information.
That's why we wanted to do a little feature on IT Security and Trojan Virsuses for the start of the 2011 year. Hiding viruses inside email, images, Word Documents, has become a hot item again. Let’s take a look at one such story at the top of the headlines for 2011: the Karma Sutra Trojan.
The virus is hidden inside a download of a Power Point promising lessons on Kama Sutra positions. Instead, if you will pardon the pun, your computer ends up with the digital equivalent of a sexually transmitted disease. The “hook” to get you to download is an old one: sex. And this hook is highly important. In order to spread this virus well, you have to promise something highly desireable to the general public. One of the last trojans I found was buried in a download that was supposed to deliver and old copy of Camtasia Suites video editing software. Had I not had quality anti-virus software, it could have been ugly.
Users whose curiosities are so aroused that they download the sexual slideshow —titled “Real kamasutra.pps.exe” — are taken to an actual presentation, so for the moment, things seem to check out. But while they’re viewing the provocative pornographic pics, a backdoor Trojan called “Troj/Bckdr-RFM” is hard at work, automatically and inconspicuously planting malicious software on the victim’s system. Once a computer has been corrupted with the devious Trojan, hackers can gain remote access to it and steal the user’s identity, or even enlist the machine as part of a zombie army of infected computers used to launch mass denial-of-service attacks. This example points out the second most important thing needed make a good trojan virus: I call it the “all things look normal” trap. You have to keep things looking “normal” long enough for the virus to take effect.
Once you reach this point, you have hit the third strike: a good trojan virus will set itself in the root directory, System directories, etc., making it hard to get rid of. Many will require a complete reformating of your computer.
The secret is having good anti-virus software. One of my favorites can even be had for free. It is called Avast. Part of the secret of the software is it’s lack of popularity. Hackers typically start working on the big stuff first, looking for vulnerabilities in the software. Examples of this in the IT Security software world would be McAfee, or Norton.
Another defense tactic is to make sure you have a complete backup of your computer stored somewhere off the computer. In the event you have to reformat your computer, you’ll still have your data. In addition, you may want to look at created a virtual hard drive on your computer, that is kept secured. It can be set to not have access to all the key files on your real hard drive. Download your stuff to the virtual drive, and scan it prior to allowing it to live with your data on the C: drive.
If you would like to know more about providing quality security for your internet marketing websites, we would love to talk to you. Just pay us a visit at for more information.
Monday, January 10, 2011
Watch Out for Link Exchange Emails
It seems as though there is a new game in town for January 2011, and it is designed to catch people unaware, who use Wordpress Powered Content Management System style websites. It's the old "rope a dope email link exchange game." Putting it mildly, it can kill your website SEO.
We wanted to talk about some of the characteristics of the link exchange requests. The first thing to look for is a URL with something cheesy like "partners" or "friends" or "roundtable" in the naming convention. The keywords "search engine ranking" are also often used. For example, your title might say "Dramatically improve your search engine ranking." Many of these emails will be sent to you multiple times, but the people will offer an apology for doing so, hoping you will go ahead and read the email. Here is an example of just such an email sent to a google account:

Nice bit of false empathy there. ;)
The technical trickery mentioned above is that if you visit the link they put in the email the linking post will appear *all over* the site that is "linking" to you. But if you open up a new browser from a different IP address and try to visit the parent category page before visiting the individual post page you will see that the post is only visible to a person who knows exactly where it is. So the people are not only mass automated email spammers, but they lie at hello as well (by deceiving folks into thinking there is an on-the-level exchange of some sort, while screwing them over with a page that is invisible to everyone but them).
If you genuinely want to work on a campaign of link exchanges, which still have value. You are going to need an SEO Expert to help you get that done. SEO Professional Services can give you quality links, that are developed over time with reputable firms. Remember, there is no such thing as a quick, free lunch.
Til nextime,
Johnny Smoes
SEO Experts Australia
We wanted to talk about some of the characteristics of the link exchange requests. The first thing to look for is a URL with something cheesy like "partners" or "friends" or "roundtable" in the naming convention. The keywords "search engine ranking" are also often used. For example, your title might say "Dramatically improve your search engine ranking." Many of these emails will be sent to you multiple times, but the people will offer an apology for doing so, hoping you will go ahead and read the email. Here is an example of just such an email sent to a google account:
Nice bit of false empathy there. ;)
The technical trickery mentioned above is that if you visit the link they put in the email the linking post will appear *all over* the site that is "linking" to you. But if you open up a new browser from a different IP address and try to visit the parent category page before visiting the individual post page you will see that the post is only visible to a person who knows exactly where it is. So the people are not only mass automated email spammers, but they lie at hello as well (by deceiving folks into thinking there is an on-the-level exchange of some sort, while screwing them over with a page that is invisible to everyone but them).
If you genuinely want to work on a campaign of link exchanges, which still have value. You are going to need an SEO Expert to help you get that done. SEO Professional Services can give you quality links, that are developed over time with reputable firms. Remember, there is no such thing as a quick, free lunch.
Til nextime,
Johnny Smoes
SEO Experts Australia
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