Sunday, February 6, 2011

SEO Optimization for Tumblr

Today, I want to talk about SEO Optimization for Tumblr. The social website called Tumblr has really become a great site to add to any social media marketing campaign. But by default, there are many things about the social website that make it harder to get your Tumblr site recognized by the search engines. This leaves you the option of only being able to get people back to your main website by personal interaction with friends you make on Tumblr.

Let’s talk, then, about one simple thing you can do to help your Tumblr social site score better in SERP’s. One of the first things you need to do is submit the appropriate Tumblr sitemap.xml file to the search engines. You will want to submit your Tumblr site to Google Webmaster Tools, Y! Site Explorer and Bing Webmaster. This way, you get the most coverage for 3 quick submissions.

Each Tumblr site has a sitemap.xml file that is unique to each account on Tumblr. The naming convention for the file is The “yoursite” piece is your username with Tumblr. By submitting this, search engines will have better information about the pages to index and thus will be able to index more pages per site. This tactic alone will give your Tumblr site a lot more exposure.

So, to get you started, I have included the sites that you will want to use to submit your Tumblr sitemap. They are:

SEO Optimization for Tumblr will help you get found on that site, and draw new people to this source of information. Don’t forget to provide links back to your main website for visitors to follow.

Johnny Smoes is an IT Programmer and Principle with SEO Experts, a company that specializes in search engine optimization for your all your websites. You can contact them at for more information on making your social media campaign work better.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

The New Future of Solar Cells

The New Future of Solar Cells is looking very bright. We recently had a chance to look at some of the new technology behind these little cells that capture the natural light of the sun. These little cells are capturing more light than ever.

The best solar cells on the market are made up of multiple layers of semiconductor material. Each of these layers is designed to be able to capture a different spectrum of light. Now though, a crack research team at Lawrence Berkeley National Lab have come up with a way to make a single semiconductor that can do the job of many. The new seminconductors should be fairly inexpensive also.

The folks at Berkeley are not alone though. There are many groups working on ways to capture more energy in from the light of the sun. The long running problem (ie.e going all the way back to the first solar cells of the 1960's) has always been that making solar cells can be expensive, and the needed components were hard to make.

With the breakthrough of the Berkeley Lab, the new cell is capable of converting almost half of the sunlight it receives into electricity. This rate is nearly 3 times the current best cells on the market. This ability has the potential of really driving down the cost of solar cells. In theory, you would then only need a single layer of semiconductor material to accomplish the same results as the current multi-layered versions.

The magic behind the new semiconductors is a substance called gallium arsenide. With some modification, the Berkeley Lab has figured out how to free multiple photons, which cause an electron to be freed. Typically, this material requires high-energy photons to generate electricity. But the folks at the Berkeley Lab have now modified the gallium arsenide, so that the energy from more than one photon is used to free an electron—energy adds up until an electron is freed. Some of the arsenic atoms in the material end up being replaced with nitrogen atoms, which creates tiny areas that act as stepping stones for electrons that have absorbed some energy from low-energy photons, where they can wait to receive energy from more photons. It's pretty amazing.

So, get ready. You have one day be able to power your laptop, or smartphone from the power of the sun. Solar cells definitely have a bright future.